Newport High School Girls
Combined Registers

Search the combined admission records 1896 - 1949:

Browse all the 1896 - 1949 admission records
You can use the wildcard - % - so Tho% will find: Thomas, Thompson, Thorne, Thornley etc.

Search the combined leaving records 1924 - 1949:

Browse all the 1924 - 1949 leaving records

The admission records were made by combining the following registers: '1896 - 1909', '1903 - 1912', '1912 - 1918', '1918 - 1924' and '1931 - 1960'. The gap between 1924 and 1931 was filled by inserting the relevant entries from the '1918 - 1942' leavers records.

The leaving records were assembled from the '1918 -1942' register and the '1937 - 1959' register.

We have excluded any records later than 1949.

These records were transcribed by Dave Woolven. Follow this link to see his transcription notes and more information about the school records.