Transcription of the record page for transported chartist John Frost

Some of the text on the original page is very difficult to decipher, reading it is made even harder by the many abbreviations used. If you can correct any errors in this transcription, or read any of the sections we have been unable to, please contact us via the link at the foot of this page.

Frost John
Tried Monmouth Spl G D (Special Gaol Delivery) 10 Dec 1839
(Sentenced to transportation for) Life
Embarked 20 February 1840
Arrived (Hobart) 30 June 1840
Protestant can Read and Write
Transported for High Treason
Gaol Rept. Convicted and Imprisoned before for a libel otherwise his character very good
Hulk Rept. Good
Married (with) 7 children. 
Stated this offence High Treason
(And admitted to a previous case): Once for libel 6ms Impt  (6 months imprisonment)
Married (with) 7 children

Trade:  Woollen Draper
Height:  5/7 (5ft. 7ins.)
Age:  55
Complex(ion):  Fair
Head:  Oval
Hair:  Grey
Whiskers:  Grey
Visage:  Oval
Forehead:  Medium
Eyebrows:  Grey
Eyes: Grey
Nose:  Medium Size
Mouth:  Small
Chin:  Round
Native Place:  Newport
Remarks:  None

Surgeons Report: 
No of offences:
How employed:
General conduct – Very Good

Period of probation
Station of gang:
P/A (Port Arthur) 11/10/41
BR (Brown’s River) 22/11/41
PB (Prisoner Barracks?) 3/12/41
Imp (Impression) Bay 16/5/43
C 8/12/43 PB
Class: 1st | PPH3 class

Offences and Sentences:
22nd Nov 1841. Probn B.R. / Miscond(uc)t in using improper & insolent language to the Superintend(en)t etc. (Sentenced to) Three days solitary (confinement) & recom(mende)d to be removed to Port Arthur (LFJ) approved Imp(ression) Bay to be employed at labour in the same manner as other convicts, vide L.G. dedn? 3/12/41

2/42 Studious quiet & obed(ient) schoolmaster attentive to his duties. 
4/42 Very good.  Schoolmaster. 
5/42 do do
6/42 do do. 
7/42 do do.
8/42 Exemplary do. 
9/42 do do. 
10/42 Exemplary.  Schoolmaster. 
11/42 do. 
12/12/43 (In service of) W(illiam) W Carter (of) New Town. 
19/7/45 PB (Prisoner Barracks?)
19/7/45 (In service of ) Revd W Jarratt. 
10/12/45 (Back in the service of) Mr Carter (now at McQuarie Street, Hobart, for) 12 months   
24/3/46 (In the service of) W Chester, Bothwell, (for) 12 months

Released from 1st stage of probation 17th November 1843
3rd Nov 1846 Ticket of Leave (approved. Now he could be his own master.)
27/6/54 CP (conditional pardon) approved
Free pardon 24 February (18)57

(Written along the edge of the page)
6/7/41 …..
20/7/41 PA (Port Arthur)
12/10/41  BR (Brown’s River)
3/11/41.  Off (Office?)
5/11/41 BR (Brown’s River)
3/12/41  ….
10/12/41 Imp(ression) B(ay)
18/1/42 Off  (Office?)
25/1/42 Im(pression) B(ay) Off (Office?)
19/5/43 Pasck? Casck?
24/11/43  Off  (Office?)
8/12/45 …B  Off
1/5/46 C Bothy? Off
1/9/48 By? Office?
18.12.49 ……?
23=11=53 Free Pardon

NOTE:  The original document is faded in places.  Many sections were written in a hasty hand.  DW

Transcribed from a downloaded digital photograph by Dave Woolven, 2 Aspen Way, Malpas Park, Newport, South Wales, NP20 6LB. Tel 01633 858359, 27 November 2009

Revised by the editor of Newport Past, 5 January 2010

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